Small Boobs Classified as a Physical Defect by Russian Officials!

Russian advertising standards officials received a number of complaints about an ad from a construction company which depicted a woman measuring her chest to advertise “small prices and lots of complexes”.

Small Boobs physical defect

The officials agreed with complaints that the ad body-shames women but, they also said small breasts were “physical defects”.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) stated:

FAS ruled the billboard used an offensive image of a woman and expert council found the advertisement points to physical defects in woman (small breasts).

Nastya Krasilnikova, an anti-sexism blogger has criticized FAS:

Probably, the person who wrote this thinks it’s perfectly obvious that a small chest is a physical disability.

This story tells us one simple thing about Russia, sexism is part of the culture.

For the billboard depicting small breasts as physical defects, the construction company, face a fine of 500,000 rubles ($7,410).

15 thoughts on “Small Boobs Classified as a Physical Defect by <em>Russian</em> Officials!”

  1. wow, glad to see there’s still a country that SJWs haven’t invaded yet. Also, it’s only one of the few countrys where this is a reasonable standard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. This story tells us one simple thing about Russia, sexism is part of the culture.
    And your point is what caller? 🤔😮

  3. Its cold in Siberia in the winter..
    Dont eat yellow snow…..
    Putin did the best rebranding of communisim ever..
    Any other worldy shocks we never knew please…..😬😬😬😬😬

  4. OHHH CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER… when a guy has a small dick, nobody hesitates in calling it a “micro-dick” and that has been considered a pathology for who knows how long.. why can’t we do the same about women with zero tits? Why isn’t it a “condition”? Female boobs are supposed to have some minimum size to them in order to be considered actual, functional breasts, in order to be different from some ordinary manboob..

    But ohh no, let’s not talk about it since it deals with women’s fragile ego..

  5. Shut up Zorken! Your t0xic mys0ginist sexlsm and smallbreastphobia are offending my overdeveloped and highly educated mind.

  6. Aww come on…give the guy a break…
    He’s had a hard week….🤔😬👍

  7. Bob…she could have whappers like overgrown melons.
    Please remember that feminist translates directly, in several languages, to moany faced bitch…..🤔😬😮

    PS get the tea oan woman!

  8. Gentlemen…i pass to you..the advice my grandfather passed to me…
    Keep em well fed and poorly shod an they’ll no stray far …🤔👍

  9. With boobs it’s quality not quantity. I definitely prefer big boobs but there are some out there that could be considered “physical defects”.

  10. Totally agree with Russians, definitely physical defects, every woman with small tits should be ashamed and be encouraged to have boobs jobs. Lol. God I love big tits!

  11. Mr Hung has para phrased the argument succinctly .
    Big Jeebs Roolz 😜👍


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