9 thoughts on “Skylar Vox Drops Denim Shorts!”

  1. ughhh, this one again. every set, her tits sag more, her face widens more & her body expands like the sea floor.
    she is barely average for a civilian & well below replacement level for a porn girl

    • You be lucky to even be in the same room with a a woman who looked half as good as she does. Let alone have any chance of fucking her so shut up you basement troll

      • A lot of us would leave a room she was in. She is fugly to say the least. I´ve fucked girls way hotter than her. She is nothing special at all.

  2. soooo, did she or didn’t she?
    i’m talking about tattooing the back of her legs?
    apparently, she tattooed the backs of her legs and covered them in black ink. i don’t have anything against tattoos. however, if i remember correctly, she basically blotted out the entire backsides.

    • well, i guess she did!
      thanks for that.
      i wasn’t sure if they were temps.
      i suppose you don’t come in 17th in a tattoo competition that has thousands of applicants with temps.
      she either hasn’t shot with her new tattoos yet or they cover them up?
      seems like those would be difficult to cover up, though.
      i wonder what the tattoos say…


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