7 thoughts on “Skye Blue is Topless in the Woods!”

  1. Not as stupid as the ink. She could lose the hardware like many others have. September Carrino comes to mind as one who did.

  2. Anyone who doesn’t like pierced nipples has obviously either never been with a woman who has them, or has no fucking clue what he’s doing with them.

  3. I don’t like them. Never did,never will. That’s called an opinion, which resides right next to the clue that I have. Next time you order up a pizza, ask for a layer of sheet metal screws on it.

  4. its quite the opposite, having been with pierced nips makes me dislike them. all set with metal in my mouth; sure you can yank em easier but that’s what clamps are for. but they are better than shitty tatts, since you can take them out, i don’t think metal improves anything.

  5. @TitFan I haven’t and I certainly can’t imagine what they would add to the experience that would make it better. I don’t like them, but I’m not going to turn down an opportunity if it arises. I can say that I’ll click on the next link of a woman who doesn’t have them before I linger on the lady that does.


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