Singer Olivia O’Brien’s Boobs go Viral at NBA Game!

Olivia O'Brien boobs at NBA game

Singer Olivia O’Brien’s boobs went viral after attending the Los Angeles Lakers vs Denver Nuggets game this past weekend! At one point her boobs were spotted in the background of the broadcast and screen shots quickly spread all over social media with horny people asking who those lovely boobs belong to!?

It didn’t take long before she was ID’s by an eagle-eyed fan which has resulted in a large influx of followers to Olivia’s Instagram!

She’s responded to her new increased fame by telling all her new followed to stream her music.

“Hello to all of my new followers after my viral boob moment!” O’Brien said on Sunday. “While I still have you here … go stream my new song!” And since I am assuming most of you are men (not my typical audience) you may also know me from this song from back in the day. Thanks for the boob appreciation now let’s get to streaming, boys.”

Olivia O'Brien boobs

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