Shay LaRen Tinted in the Woods

I don’t know what it is but Shay LaRen always look incredible in these tinted sets she keeps appearing in! Here is one from Digital Desire and well, it doesn’t get much sexier than this. Plenty of down-below looking up shots. If I’m ever down below I can’t think of anything I’d rather look at than Shay LaRen’s big natural boobs!

For more tinted Shay LaRen go here, here and here

Picture from: Digital Desire

Shay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woods

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Shay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woodsShay LaRen in the woods

3 thoughts on “Shay LaRen Tinted in the Woods”

  1. I find her asymmetrical breast size a little endearing, tell you what. Hell, even the “small one” is plenty big enough for me. >:D


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