Shay LaRen Taking A Bath

Been a while since I had some Shay LaRen on here so this very sexy set seems suitable for today. I probably dont have to point it out but Shay looks really good when she grabs her own boobs while showering her pussy. Actually, a lot of women would look good doing that.

Pictures from: Danni’s Harddrive

Naked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bathNaked Shay LaRen in a bath

9 thoughts on “Shay LaRen Taking A Bath”

  1. Okay, it’s official: I love this girl. She’s the best.

    Oh, look! Another naked woman! See ya…..

  2. It’s really hot that her left boob is about two cup sizes larger than her right (at least one cup size anyway). I find these slight imperfections to be immense turnons. I HATE perfect looking women.


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