Shay LaRen on the Patio

Haven’t posted too much of Shay LaRen lately, just got kind of bored with her I guess. She looks very nice in this set though, got kind of a summer flavor.

Pictures from: Stunners

Busty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patioBusty babe masturbate on the patio

5 comments on “Shay LaRen on the Patio”

  1. anonymous coward says:

    this woman is hotter than a [insert bad metaphor here].

  2. Edward says:

    Even with the “one nipple up, one nipple down” thing, I find her very attractive.

  3. Thommo says:

    Yeah, never really noticed it, but she’s got very asymmetrical breasts…

  4. karan says:

    does it really matter whether her breasts are asymmectrical or the one nipple up one nipple down thing as long ur face iz squished in between those 2 lovely mountains of flesh and ur hand dowm there playingwith her ………….. frankly i dont care

  5. fj says:

    Yeah if you busted out some measuring tape youd find that most persons body is not 100% aligned.With her it is just more obvious in fact it kind of turns me on when when a woman has breasts like hers.And shit man ever look at your balls? I bet $100,000,000.000 that one ball hangs lower than the other. (note I do not have anything near that sum of money)

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