This is a really hot babe and she has great tits so its nice to see that she is flashing them to the world!
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This is a really hot babe and she has great tits so its nice to see that she is flashing them to the world!
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Good one! This is from girls gone wild, some years back. This girl is actually the one that inspired me to get the video she’s on. Those videos are hit and miss, but this chick is definitely a hit! Good post my friend! 🙂
World class perfect tits. It’s such a shame that girls have to get older than 25. Gravity sucks, and I don’t care if it’s what holds us on the planet.
Anyone knows her name?
Yoav, you dick!
Her name’s is Jennifer, they actually ask her name in the clip.
Great tits on her
her LAST name… dude.. seriously.
Holy crap, this is one of the girls on a GGW commercial from years ago. I almost bought the video because of her. Man, this makes me happy.