Well, if you had any doubt that September Carrino’s already big tits has gotten even bigger then all you need to do is watch the clip below! I LOVE THE DOWN UPWARDS ANGLE!!! Just incredible.. I am playing this on rewind all day today.
Video from: September Carrino
[hana-flv-player video=”http://promo.septembercarrino.com/flv/september-special08-promo/1.flv”width=”520″
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”
Big. Beautiful. Titties.
My only guess is she’s pregnant. I can’t see what else could account for the variation in darker colour, and the fullness of her tits.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but the PinupFiles fish eye lens is at work here once again. You can tell because the lines of the edge of the door behind her are curved.
It annoys me because it makes me feel like we’re not getting a real view of what her tits and body look like (because we’re not).
She’s a beautiful woman with huge boobs, and I just want to see what she looks like–without any gimmicks.
I agree with Me
Too right Me.
Still a nice vid though. Shakey shakey
in my opinion she took breast enlargement pills, because she has gained 3 cups in barely one year
Here you go….and without makeup too!
Meh. I just hope she doesn’t pull a Miriam Gonzalez – get fat and disappear.
breast enlargement pills? haha thats as real as actual dick enlargement pills and unicorns.
Yeah I totally agree..Her boobs are tremendous in such a short time. When she was in pboy, they were big and nice..but virtually every still photograph looks fake in some way, clearly something isn’t right…and the darker color nips..yeah something’s up…I don’t pay attention much to her anymore cuz she’s a liar now.
@ Me – Well said.
@ JQP – I completely agree with you about the her picks looking fake in some kind of way. I don’t know what it is, but you are right. I’ve been trying to figure it out since I first saw this girl. It’s driving me nuts!
I actually bit and got a subscription to her website earlier this year. and let me tell you what a waste of 20 bucks. The site was buggy as shit. someone claimed they were switching servers and maybe that was the problem. She is beautiful in every way in my eye. I also think she is pregnant. Darker areola’s bigger cup size…. Yea no other explanation imo
her webcam video of her new size looks legit. can they fisheye that?
anyway, ive known a girl or too in my day that went away for the summer and came back stacked. and she mentions in one of her vids that this is winter weight, so maybe. she is italian.
Yes, the can and did fisheye that. It’s just a lens that does it, nothing else. Anything you can do to a photo you can do to several photos shown rapidly in succession.
I haven’t noticed any growth in the boobs, but with all the camera tricks it’s hard to say. Most likely it’s a matter of saying it, using a wide angle lens, and then people think they see it.
@dragonrunnr, that link you gave was good as you can see her tits for what they are (HUUUUUUGE) but she’s really ugly in the video (for her standards)
September just keeps getting better.. Yummm and those lovely
nipples.. Always a admirer of her hot Girls..
your shemale admirer.. kissses xoxo
She literally has the best nipples I’ve ever seen. They just look so suckable!
Not sure if I’m a fan anymore, now they’re just too large.
All I have to say is…..bitch, bring back the damn nipple rings/studs….or go the fuck away, for good.