If you’re one of the people who love September Carrino and her huge boobs but wish she would get rid of those nipple studs.. then I have a treat for you! This is to my knowledge the first set of September WITHOUT the nipple studs.. she got some studs below her eye now instead but you can’t win it all I suppose.
Pictures from: September Carrino
Nooooooooo……her nipple studs were the sexiest :(. Hopefully it’s just temporary
Why is her neck permanently stuck sideways? Does she need me to massage out a cramp?
my god, you people are thinking about the wrong shit….anyway, shes fucking sexy. some boards and websites displaying this set say that her tits are HH cup now, i don’t know about HH cup…but they’re definitely bigger.
i love nipple studs,
So glad they’re gone! I hate that shit. Besides most women with nipple studs want you to be careful with their nipples. Uh-uh sorry, you have big titties like this, in the sack with me and they’re getting chewed on and sucked hard…and probably pinched when you come.
She looks hot either way, but I love my titties with no enhancements, so these pics are great!
#7 is my favorite.
You don’t enhance a work of art by scribbling graffiti on it.
I’m with Wedge and Earlvegas on this one. She’s damn sexy, she doens’t need that stud crap.
Sorry Wedge, but these tits are all natural!
Oh I understand something wrong!
that’s unfortunate, the lack of nipple studs ruin it for me, too bad.
No piercings is a huge plus!!!!
@ffff: I think someone told her her left side was her good side. From the neck down, a work of art. From the neck up…well, I guess this is a boobs blog, so I’m not allowed to say how homely she is.
I’m pretty sure she’s posed without them before….. but these are probably the best ones without them.
Personally, I dont know why she would choose to disrupt perfection with those awful looking things. But hey… its her body.
Stunning…with or without.
Some people like nipple piercings, some people don’t. Personally I like both so it doesn’t matter to me
Mike Hunt is right
awesome awesome awesome
what nice tig o’ bitties
She looks so much like a much hotter version of one of my friends that it gets into dangerous territory.
Sucks she took them out. š