No make up or anything. September Carrino looking all natural while doing a cam show for her website and we like natural right? She starts off by talking about how she always catches herself fondling her boobs, can you blame her?
Video from: September Carrino
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Okay, I think it’s time for a reduction.
@miachel: You shut your god damn mouth! How dare you sir! How. Dare. You.
She doesn’t look as great without makeup but who cares? I wouldn’t even care if she were headless.
@Niklas…thats just plain disturbing….
She actually looks attainable now (as if I actually had a chance, lol).
Michael is a homosexual.
According to Ron White… are you.
No really Michael, you’re just damn faggy for not liking those boobs. Your man card will self destruct in 10 sec.
They’re just nasty to me…..I love big boobs, but she’s just too big for my taste.
@Brian: What I’m saying is that to me she’s just a pair of huge tits. I don’t care if her face is a mess. I’ll just paperbag that.
Because of her photoshopped pictures she now resorts to using a fisheye lens webcam. Look at the bar behind her. So lame… makes her hands look huge too lol
Michael, get out of here faggy. Those tits are awesome. You could wrap them 10 times around your dick. Well not your dick, because you’re gay.
Wow, lots of hate on these boards. I was just kidding with my earlier post. I love September, I think she is hot as hell and the nips are awesome. But to each his own, I can understand why some would not like it. Thank god we have boobieblog and the internets to accomodate all of us.