Selena Gomez Boobs on a Boat!

Selena Gomez looking VERY BUSTY in a bra while having a good time on a boat with friends! There’s been rumors that she had implants but some also say that its her lupus medication that’s causing her boobs to get big so who knows?

Can also see a slight hint of areola in the first GIF.

Movies and TV nudity: Mr. Skin

Selena Gomez BoobsSelena Gomez BoobsSelena Gomez BoobsSelena Gomez Boobs

4 comments on “Selena Gomez Boobs on a Boat!”

  1. Joe says:

    she just ugly, as in extremely unattractive. there was never anything hot about here

    1. Me says:

      You know, you had the option to not say anything at all.

    2. derp says:

      Did retard troll mikey have a name change?

  2. Bradford says:

    Auto-immune medications have weight gain and bloating side effects. It’s also possible that getting older just means she’s getting more fat. If that’s where it is going, that’s good news 😝

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