Score Lineup Video

Hopefully you are well aware of the classic SCORE lineups which SCORE magazine does every now and then. Here is a video from one of their more recent ones. I see Karina Hart and Kristi Love in there but not sure who the other busty ladies are?

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Video from: Scoreland
Busty babes line up for SCORE magazine

11 thoughts on “Score Lineup Video”

  1. WTF was the camera man doing? I don’t wanna see their asses, I wanna see their big naturals, get in the action man, get some low underneath angles in whilst ya there. Fuck it, give me the fucking camera.

  2. Please, oh please, oh please, oh please…if anyone knows the redheads name, do tell. I love this set and love her. I can’t figure out who she is though. Otherwise, my favorite in a long time.

  3. The one in the middle is kind of a slob. A couple of them have nice arses to go with their tits. Bottom line: I’d do them all and be happy.

  4. I’d actually go for the one in the middle first. All of them had incredible bodies and looked like they could take a deep dicking and keep on going. I would leave the blonde one out though and probably the second girl from the left. I might be male sexual energy incarnate but seriously my dick can only take so much before I need a nap and 5 girls is way too much. 3 is probably pushing it but wish me luck.

  5. Wotchoo talkin’ ’bout Edward?? That so-called ‘hog’ in the middle is Karina Hart! I reckon she’d be my first choice actually – I adore her “fuller figure”!
    I don’t think the girl on the far right is Bea Flora though…?

  6. Nope, girl on the far right is Kristi Love A.K.A. Kristi Klenot. She used to be thinner. Still think she’s smoking though.


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