I’m already behind on Alcatraz but so far I’ve really been enjoying Sarah Jones and her chesty chest! She plays a cop on the show so she isn’t exactly dressed in sexy outfits but, as soon as she does an action scene you can tell that she got some delicious boobs bouncing around in her top!
Here are some old pics from the red carpet premiere of Big Love Season 2 of Sarah showing some sexy cleavage! They need to have an Alcatraz bikini episode asap!
18 Celebrity Sex Tapes and counting: Vivid Celeb
OMG Thank you Nik!!! I absolutely LOVE this girl!
She’s so freaking hot, and I haven’t been able to find any good pics of her online. This set gave me an INSTANT boner!! lol
Please post more of her! (err.. i mean “less” of her!)
She’s gorgeous and what a set of whammers! Thanks 🙂
Alcatraz bikini episode? lol. I live in Bay Area. Alcatraz is icy cold any given day. worse in winter. No way they do a bikini episode. lol
Boris, It’s Filmed in BC CANADA!!!
Chick is beautiful and has some nice running scenes where you get a sense of the two bald guys she’s hiding under her sweater. She’s freaking stacked.
I spoke to her when she was filming the scene right after the chase scene from the last episode. I saw the car on fire as I drove and parked. I was actually in a coffee shop just behind her when she had her gun pointed at her grandfather. It was after that that I spoke to her. After they were done there they headed to SF to film the chase.
P.S. They were filming in New Westminster, BC, Canada, where quite a lot of companies make their shows. Once I stumbles upon the firemen and the track they drove in one episode of Stargate, in which they were filming a dream sequence of Teal’c.
I also saw some filming of the new Godzilla film which isn’t out yet and some other shows.