Sara Jean Underwood is Bustice!

Playmate Sara Jean Underwood is super heroine Bustice in this video from Attack of the Show! I don’t know if this is a one-time thing or if she will be a recurring character but I love that costume. Makes you wonder why Hollywood isn’t bringing more female super heroes to the big screen? Sexy women in skin tight outifts kicking ass…. nah.. no males would ever want to see that!

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Sara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as BusticeSara Jean Underwood as Bustice

Here is the final video:

5 thoughts on “Sara Jean Underwood is Bustice!”

  1. Everytime I see Sara Jean Underwood it makes me really sad that she got implants. She was perfect before, and won Playmate of the freakin’ year with what nature gave her. Instead of standing out because of her natural breasts, she has become just another LA bleach blonde bimbo with hard fake boobs. Very sad. There is no Bustice in the world!


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