Sammy Braddy Outtakes

No one should be forced to be without Sammy Braddy for too long. Thats why Im happy I found these outtakes from Zoo magazine. Stunning, gorgeous, amazing.. pick which ever description you want, they still apply to Sammy Braddy!

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Sammy Braddy outtakes Sammy Braddy outtakes Sammy Braddy outtakes Sammy Braddy outtakes Sammy Braddy outtakes Sammy Braddy outtakes

14 thoughts on “Sammy Braddy Outtakes”

  1. I don’t care, I will go on the record as saying this chick has a perfect body!

    I would get hard, blow my load, then get hard again before i could even touch her!

  2. Lovely Indeed,

    Shame her big boobs are fake silcone ones!

    What I hear you all shout?

    Well, come on lads, her big boobs look great,

    But even I can say they are silcone ones because if you all look at them as she poses you see what I mean, her boobs never slag or change shape?

    And if they was real head sized boobs they would not stay in that solid shape they do only silcone fake boobs do that?

    Plus on the many movie clips from the magazines when she is shown moving around as she poses her big boobs do not move or wobble at all, unlike real boobs that size would do?

    In fact they look solid even in the still photos,

    I seen allot of big boobs in my long life real and fake,

    And I can tell hers are fake? sorry,
    But unless she was to let me feel her bare boobs to check them out which I don’t think she would, I will say they are fake ones?


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