7 comments on “Samanta Lily – Big Boob Lactating Cow in the Shower!”

  1. Shmoo_usn says:

    Meh! Was a fan when she first came out (despite a COUPLE extra lbs), but now she’s just fat and the routine is stale.

  2. mikeroyne says:

    what a manatee

  3. Elliott says:

    Nasty. She is a cow for sure. Never understood the love for that hot mess.

  4. truth says:

    Boobie blog appears to attract a lot of gay men for some reason.

    1. mikeroyne says:

      look at this backward meathead calling others gay because we aren’t impressed by some hugely fat & not attractive broad. this is some real insecure shit

      1. derp says:

        The only thing more insecure would have to be some retard loser with no life, bitching about every goddamn post.

        1. mikeroyne says:

          you’re still following me, prag

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