Sakara Bell is the Latest Kate Upton Killer!
Are you sick of hearing about potential Kate Upton killers? You shouldn’t be, because here is busty Aussie blonde Sakara Bell, and she absolutely murdered Romp magazine with this amazing bikini pictorial! I of course had to look into her some more, and by looking I mean checking out her Instagram account, where I found these hot pics:
Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda
I obvuiously also had to see if I could find any topless pics but woithout luck. I did find these screen caps of Sakara in wet t-shirt from Mad Hueys 2015 Calendar shoot, and they are almost as good as topless:
The caps are from this video:
May 1st, 2015
Posted in International Boobs, Sakara Bell
Holy shit! She’s got all sorts of sexy going on.
Looks great in some shots, but the nipples pointing down at her age is not a good sign…
3 dollars.
That shot with the surf board is just WOW! What an ass!!!
Who’s the black haired chick naked on the boat? Sexy!