Sabrina Pettinato Mix

I dont know much about Sabrina Pettinato except that she is some sort of Spanish TV personality and she enjoys wearing pasties. Check for the see through tops around the 4:30 mark.

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13 thoughts on “Sabrina Pettinato Mix”

  1. They show this show here in miami, Florida on saturday nights. channel 12? i beleive There are alot of Hot half naked women on this show. Its like SNL but with hot naked girls. Its all in spanish. but who needs to know spanish to appreciate a nice rack.

    Thats a PIECE OF ASS.


    Hope you can get some more.

  2. this is a girl of an argentinian tv show called “rompeportones” and she is not the only hot girl in this show, actually every girl in this show, besides of their almost perfect bodies, are very funnies. you have to learn some spanish of course.

  3. If this is on youtube, some1 needs to this right now. then, when its taken down, put it back up.


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