There are millions of active professional and nonprofessional escorts across the globe. Young and middle-aged adults are turning to the escort industry to pay their mortgage or rent and utilities. Being an escort leaves ample time for family, friends, a post-secondary education, or a part- and a full-time job. Every escort has a reason for doing what they do. Sometimes, it is not about money, it is about companionship. Whatever the case may be, escorts put themselves in compromising positions with every case. The escort industry is one of the most versatile, as there is a demand for all genders, races, and ethnicities.
Once you have concluded, an escort career is what you want to do, it is time to delve deeper into the industry. Regardless of your race, gender, or age, you need to ensure your safety when working as an escort. Heed the tips provided in the article below and stay clear of compromising positions as an escort.
Say “No” To Alcoholic Beverages
There is no doubt, escorts face many temptations on the job. One such temptation is alcoholic beverages. Even if it is customary for you to sip on a martini after dinner every night, this should go no further than your home. Alcohol has proven time and time again to alter brain activity. This especially applies to the circuits in your brain responsible for regulating alertness. People who do not often divulge in alcoholic beverages just need a sip to alter their senses.
Let Someone Know Your Whereabouts
The major mistake escorts make is believing their job is not dangerous. In all actuality, it is not your job that is dangerous, it is people who are dangerous. This is not to say, everyone is dangerous, just a few. Most, or all your clients will be complete strangers. A friend, family member, co-worker, classmate, or other acquaintance will invite you to an event. There will be no need for these individuals to utilize your escort service. So, your clients will most likely be total strangers from who knows where.
Protect yourself by alerting friends and family on your whereabouts. Share the details of each escort case with one or more of your friends or family members.
Keep Your Mobile Phone Close
Escort Alligator and other services encourage their workers to keep their mobile phones close at all times. Never leave your cell phone at home. Store it in a safe location to ensure quick and easy access when you are on a case. Keep your friends or emergency phone number on speed dial for emergency situations.
Do Not Overreact
If you are an escort for any amount of time, you are bound to find yourself in a difficult situation. Escorts have admitted to encountering problems at least once in their careers. Those who remained calm discovered early on they could get out of any situation. Staying calm will allow you to think things through, instead of overreacting and being confused.
When you are calm, your critical thinking will function better. You will be able to focus on ways to diffuse the situation, an escape route, and a magnitude of other things.
Keep Your Personal Information Private
Throughout your career as an escort, you will meet at least one client who is interested in your personal life. Never talk about your personal, keep all conversations on a professional level. Experts do not recommend escorts to share their personal information – full name, physical address, phone number, social security number, or age – with clients. This information is personal and should stay this way unless you are interested in taking a case to the next level.