Rosie Jones & Danielle Lloyd in Nuts

This shoot would’ve been a lot nicer if Danielle Lloyd wouldnt insist on covering up her private parts. Luckily Rosie Jones makes up for it with plenty of nudity. She looks like she lost some boob size though?

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Two brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in NutsTwo brunettes posing in Nuts

4 thoughts on “Rosie Jones & Danielle Lloyd in Nuts”

  1. Looks like she’s shrunk a couple of cup sizes. I guess those big boobs were all just puppy fat 🙁

  2. It does look like Rosie Jone has shrunk down a bit which is terrible. Pisses me off that Danielle Lloyd get’s naked and then covers them up when there is pretty much nothing to cover anyway.
    Trying to claim the high ground which is not what anyone here wants.

  3. I’m with you nessy.. Danielle Lloyd and that minger Chantelle can go soak their heads if they think they can go appearing in lads mags and not actually get them out.


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