Rosario Dawson At Eagle Eye Premiere

I had about zero interest in the movie Eagle Eye until I saw these photos of Rosario Dawson. The marketing people really screwed up because the trailer I saw only had a confused looking Shia Labeouf running around which isnt very interesting. What they should’ve done is simply put a still shot of a cleavy Rosario Dawson and then write “Rosario Dawsons boobs are in this movie” and it would’ve been way better.

Nude movie stars: Mr. Skin
Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson

2 thoughts on “Rosario Dawson At Eagle Eye Premiere”

  1. She’s hot. nice top, lovely mouth, and beautiful complexion. and it seems the the older she’s getting the hotter she gets.


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