Rachel Aldana, still can’t quite decide what to think about her. I love her huge tits but I just can’t get quite passed her face. Don’t get me wrong, I’d have sex with her all night long given the opportunity but when it comes to modeling.. I kind of wish she would have went the Ms Intrigue route with a blurred face.
Her boobs do look absolutely glorious in this set. Shiny and glistening boobs makes Niklas mouth water!
Pictures from: Rachel Aldana
Rachel Aldana videos and webcam shows are just a few clicks away at her official website!!
I never liked her face either, but here she’s lookin better for some reason.
I never tire of her amazingly glorious tits. Those boobs are Blue Ribbon Prize Winners in my book.
Samw old tired photos. Never a pussy shot.
I would choose leanne crow över her anyday.
@Mr hung,
I’m trying to collect them all 😀
Just plain HOT!!!! Such sexy and incredible Girls..
I love Leanne much better too.. but Rachel is right there too.
Rachel has a better figure…
your shemale admirer… kisses xoxo
Hey Niklas why doesn’t Rachel have her own section? jw
mostly because the categories are sort of a mess and sorting them out is still on my “to do” list. I want each girl to have their own category in the end!
Dude, she’s hot! There’s nothing wrong with her face. She’s putting herself out there the least we can do is not insult her about things we don’t like.