Rachel Aldana somehow managed to find a bikini that was sort of big enough for her huge tits so she could do this sexy set for you guys! Those tits are as impressive as always.. now if only they could’ve been attached to Kim Kardashians face..
Pictures from: Rachel Aldana
Its her jawline. It is just really thick and kind of masculine. She could get it fixed but I am sure she never will. She does not have to. Her tits are bigger then her head and that is pretty much the only thing people will see.
I love this girl, however is not going nude of topless. Another Denise Milani cockteaser.
I think she’s cute but I wouldn’t look at her twice if not for the boobs. The incredible, incredible boobs. Some of the best huge ones I’ve seen.
now those are some tities that id love to shoot a load all over
Stevie…no offense, but you must be retarded. This girl is topless all over the place. She has her own site where she’s topless, like, all the time. She doesn’t do hardcore (yet), but she’s not at all a tease like Denise Milani.
IDK guys her face is still pretty good looking to me. Her boobs are just incredible.
Yes, her face is cute, but without those huge tits, say she was like a 36 C, do you think anyone would care. I don’t think so.
Comment writers please, is it possible to look upon Rachel just as she is, probably the most wonderful young woman you have ever seen. Is it necessary to make such unfair comments about her as you are doing? just accept her as she is, she is giving us great pleasure in the only way she will do, give her every credit, please.