Olivia Casta is a model, traveler and vegan. That’s all I know about her. She is also very beautiful and she’s got an amazing body and amazing boobs!
Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda
Too pretty for nudes? Think again!
Olivia Casta is a model, traveler and vegan. That’s all I know about her. She is also very beautiful and she’s got an amazing body and amazing boobs!
Too pretty for nudes? Think again!
Christ, she is perfect!!
She’s also not real. She’s a Russian model called Maria Tretyakova who is mofifying her face with an app.
Not likely. Just a quick glance on image search shows two completely different body types. Not saying you’re wrong, it just appears unlikely.
Maybe modifying the tits with an app too?
Agreed. Not the same person, I think.
Who the fuck is looking at her face?
It’s Maria. They have the same markings and body types. She pumps up her boobs a little bit for static images. If you watch her videos, her boobs aren’t as big as her images. Also, you can see the app glitching and having tracking issues in the videos when she show’s her face. It’s %100 Maria. The thing is Maria is super hot and I don’t undestand why she does this shit,
she is … s h e i s . . . s h e i s . . . s h e i s . . . hmmmmmmmm