Category: Carrie Playhouse

Carrie Banged on a Pool Table for Money

Dug up some more photos of Carrie (girl in glasses from the College Rules ad) getting banged on a pool table for Money Talks! Notable is that she is not wearing glasses in this set and actually like her better WITH because they give her that naughty nerd look. Tits are still great though and thats all that matters in the end.

Pictures from: Money Talks

Fucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool table

View the FREE trailer of this episode and see Carrie in action!

Fucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool tableFucked on a pool table


College Rules Babe in Glasses get Banged

I’ve been getting a bunch of e-mail in regards to the busty girl with glasses in the College Rules ad to the right (they make some effective ads, dont they?) so, I’ve tracked down some photos from the episode which is called Sex 101.

Her name in this episode is unknown but she has appeared in a recent episode of Bang Bus under the name Carrie (Watch the trailer).

Pictures from: College Rules

College sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sex

Wild college girls having sex in their dorms (and other places too)!!

College sexCollege sexCollege sexCollege sex