Porn Star Numi Zarah Held Captive in Bangladesh by Her Own Family!

Numi Zarah

Numi Zarah dropped onto the porn scene in 2022 and quickly became very popular due to her exotic looks and curvy body! She filmed over 60 scenes but then vanished in 2023. AVN just did an interview with Numi Zarah on what happened and its insane. Here are the important bits:

As 2024 began, she was going through self-analysis and occasional personal problems. This led to her decision to partially reinvent herself.

One day, in mid January, her father said to her, “Why don’t you just go to Dubai?”

“I didn’t trust him, but it seemed like a good idea,” she related. “He also said my grandmother in Dhaka, Bangladesh was dying and she is crying to see me.”

Her entire family backed up this story, so she agreed to go.

Visiting Grandma ended up being an additional four hour flight from Dubai. When she got to Dhaka, Grandma was fine.

It had all been a ruse.

There was no ticket back. Her return ticket proved to be counterfeit. They took her ID and passport and money.

Then 20 or more people appeared and physically took Zarah to a lockdown facility. She tried to run and fought back. No luck. They took her to the ninth floor and locked her in. There were cages on the windows. They watched her through a camera. They badgered her until she admitted she’d done porn.

It suddenly became clear as day why she was there. Her father either wanted her to be punished for what she did—or thought this treatment would convert her to a good Muslim.

“They tried to convert me. My father wanted me to speak perfect Bangali when I left and be a Muslim. They used torture tactics like isolation, and when I spoke up about one of the staff harassing a girl, they put me in solitary confinement for a month. I tried running twice and they injected me with something; I was being controlled by being overmedicated.”

With the help of another girl who was also being held in the facility, they were able to contact the US embassy which scared the people in charge to let her go. Numi was then able to get a flight back to the US.

And then more WTF.

Shortly after this, her father almost strangled her mother and he fled the country. Her mom has since returned to California and is safe.

This is just a summary of the full story. I encourage you to read the entire interview on AVN.

7 thoughts on “Porn Star Numi Zarah Held Captive in Bangladesh by Her Own Family!”

  1. As someone who has lived in Northern Ireland for sixty years, I don’t think Christians have anything to crow about.
    We have had a history of Christians killing Christians just because they were the wrong sort of Christians.

  2. Stories like this usually end with honor killings. She got lucky.

    She absolutely cannot trust any of her family member.


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