You hear a lot of bad things about corrupt police officers in Mexico but I’ve got to say that if busty police woman Silvia Loret pulled me over I’d have no problem bribing her with my dick! Very hot and don’t forget that you get to see her mom Maritza Mendez at Mexican Lust as well.
Pictures from: Mexican Lust
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I like those two (very classy) “I’m taking a dump on you” pics.
…not really…
Its an arresting sight!!!
Why always the funky out of focus blur on her pubic area and smoothed out face ?
I love this chick and her mom…god those tits are awesome!
I would like the girls at Mexican lust better if they were not obvious shoops.
WTF is a “shoop”?
these pictures have been PHOTOCHOPPED for your protection!
Is it wrong to, LOVE this chick and her Mom?