Playboy’s Fantasy Football

Super Bowl was last weekend but I still don’t think its too late to post pictures from Playboy’s Fantasy Football spread! I’m not sure if these are actual Lingerie Football players or what but they look pretty fit and this locker room is what dreams are made of. I know this isn’t Booty Source but great butts Batman!

Pictures from: Playboy Cyber Club

Naked Football babesNaked Football babesNaked Football babesNaked Football babesNaked Football babesNaked Football babesNaked Football babes

5 thoughts on “Playboy’s Fantasy Football”

  1. Actually, I’m going to have to go with Pandanapper on this. There wasn’t much of anything in these pics that excited me at all.

    Judging from the fact that pretty much everywhere on the net that I see playboy pics posted, the comments are invariably “too much airbrushing” and “yawn”…it’s no wonder the Playboy empire is crumbling.

  2. Unless the girl is crying, and there’s a large amount of urine, and some type of farm animal, I am not excited.


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