Pillars of the Earth Actress Hayley Atwell is Busty

I’m a sucker for everything medieval so I had to check out the new Starz (TMN if you’re in Canada) show Pillars of the Earth and I have to say that the show is really good so far. While I was watching the first three episodes I kept noticing that actress Hayley Atwell who plays Aliena seems to have quite the impressive bosom! She is wearing a lot of medieval clothes and apparently they weren’t into cleavage back then so I had to do some searching to see if my hunch was right.

I found these older pics and indeed.. she got boobs! Big boobs! I tried to find topless pics but besides a couple of cleavage scenes she hasn’t done any nudity. Pillars of the earth got nudity in it so hopefully she will get naked! She is also going to be in the upcoming Captain America film so now I’m looking forward to that!

When Hollywood goes hardcore: Mr. Skin

Hayley Atwell cleavageHayley Atwell cleavageHayley Atwell cleavageHayley Atwell cleavageHayley Atwell cleavageHayley Atwell cleavage

12 thoughts on “Pillars of the Earth Actress Hayley Atwell is Busty”

  1. NIce… she’s one of my favorites too. And yes, I was going to point out ^ ^ those two as well but you guys beat me to it.

    Great rack on her… not many photos available…

  2. i’ve been “reading” the book for about 2 1/2 years now…..I just can’t find the time to finish it…..I was waiting for there to be a movie….guess that’s not gonna happen. Niklas…..Who plays Tom?

  3. You should watch the show.. I think its just an 8-part mini series and the production values are high. Rufus Sewell plays Tom.

    She was in Prisoner? I saw that whole thing but don’t remember her at all.. then again I also fell asleep many times while watching it..

  4. she was naked in an independent movie “Love Hate” it had a limited release last year I have no idea when it’s going to get released on dvd.

  5. I don’t have either channel that the show comes on, available to me…..I’d love to watch it.

  6. In the book there’s a part where she’s raped and a part where she has passionate sex. Hopefully theres nudity in at least one of the scenes in the show!

  7. I really like this set. I really like all of them especially the ones with the third one. She’s strong willed and her boobs and cleavage is very tasty!

  8. Niklas – yes,. she was the blind chick they tried to hook the Prisoner guy up with in the little town, who turned out not to be blind. Also was the girl the company sent to spy on him after he quit. And then they sent her down the sinkhole.

    Couldn’t find any pics of her naked.


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