7 thoughts on “Phoenix Marie is a Golden Goddess!”

  1. Considering how old she is (40 I believe) and the amount of porn she’s done, I don’t think she looks too bad.

    Certainly still would.

  2. With my predilection for women of a certain age, she certainly gets me up to operating temperature. That said, the fake boobs are less than wonderful, so I’ll just focus on that tasty looking trimmed bush.

  3. She looks fantastic for 40 and would live a go at that…but yes…the boobs do look a wee bit pecky…🤷‍♀️

  4. PM has never had the best set of plants on planet earth, but at least she did the right thing and left them alone rather than having them done and re-done over and over.

    she’s had a 14yr career (more or less) and is now 40yrs old, but her attitude and personality, whislst not quite Gianna level, are great, and I think she’s fucking awesome.


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