Phoenix Marie Has a New Face!

I haven’t kept track of porn star Phoenix Marie’s career but she’s got these new scenes at Blacked and MILFY, and what the heck did she do to her face? This is the Phoenix Marie I remember..

Phoenix Marie sits on a cock

And this is what looks like now..

Phoenix Marie sits on a black cock

That’s an imposter.. right?

7 comments on “Phoenix Marie Has a New Face!”

  1. mikeroyne says:

    jesus. its like shes a super villain who got a face change & started over

    she doesn’t look bad per se, but she looks…wrong

  2. Emil says:

    It was her tits that needed the upgrade the most!

  3. NxLevel says:

    The way this is going soon she will be the one doing the thrusting . Too bad she went the steroids route. I really liked the way she looked back in early 2000s. Pretty face, sexy body even with fakes tits.

  4. Some Guy says:

    It doesn’t look like she’s on steroids. If she did, she would have more muscle definition and less body fat. In addition, she would develop a condition where more fat was stored in her face called moon face. Women who abuse steroids long-term develop a more masculine face due to the increase in testosterone and paired with moon face develop “hamster cheeks”. Google “Martin Schoeller Female Body Builders” and you’ll see what I mean.

    Anyways, this looks more like a result of botched plastic surgery and she has a more angular face like Erin Moriarty.

  5. NxLevel says:

    Idk man. You think she went from this to this only with surgeries? Her face look more masculine and the clit doubled in size. Steroids? Suplements? Idk, idc. My understanding in this field is very limited but I think theres definitely some shit going on hormone wise.

    1. Xma says:

      Thais is obviously the plastic surgery bro. And even so, let’s be honest, in this photo she looks more like an older woman, just watch the full video of this scene.

  6. Brian says:

    @ some guy. She was absolutely using steriods in the last 5 years, she had a huge clit in all of her brazzers scenes from 2018 to 2022 before she ‘retired’. I don’t think she’s using roids anymore but has replaced that with multiple horrific facial surgeries and those ridiculous duck lips. She looks so grotesque now. Why can’t these women ever just age gracefully?

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