PETA’s Banned Superbowl Commercial

I’d eat a lot more veggies if they came with hot babes in lingerie! I dont understand why this commercial was banned in the first place? I wasen’t offended one bit!

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PETAs banned Superbowl commercial

7 thoughts on “PETA’s Banned Superbowl Commercial”

  1. I love broccoli!!! Now if she could sit on the pumpkin and make it disappear then maybe, just maybe will I swear off meat.

  2. pathetic. i was sooo glad to leave the Hampton Roads area, but their bullshit is extending past their local area. must be some Obama bullshit …

  3. Why weren’t you offended? Maybe ‘cos you own a perverted website that’s dedicated to boobs. And, maybe ‘cos Superbowl is not just for adults, kids of all ages watch it too.


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