Peta Todd is a Topless Squaw

I’d like to have sex with a squaw in a tipi at some point in my life. Preferably wearing a cowboy hat while doing it. Peta Todd, who needs to be doing way more photo shoots that what she is currently doing, would be like the perfect squaw for my dream. Absolutely stunning!

Pictures from: Girl Folio

Peta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indianPeta Todd as a topless indian

15 thoughts on “Peta Todd is a Topless Squaw”

  1. If the Native Americans had looked like this, the white man would have never conquered North America

  2. Gee, I wonder who would win if you had a Peta Todd vs. Brooke Hogan photo contest. I mean…so hard to choose….

    This girl is too beautiful for words.

  3. I met this girl when she did a night in a club in Scunthorpe, UK. Infact, me and three mates went back to her and her 3 room mates, all page 3 models at the time, room. Sadly all we got was a drink, that we bought and a listen to her friend Jak (still doing page 3 work) fanny farting a tune, can’t remember what that tune was though! I believe Peta has now got a little kiddy.

  4. Actually, squaw is a very derogatory term for a native woman, kinda like “whore’ or “cunt” Having said that, sne’s a knockout.


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