Padma Lakshmi Turns 50 and Poses in a Purple Bikini!

Padma Lakshmi turned 50-years old a couple of days ago and she celebrated by showing off her bikini body at the beach! Her boobs still look great. No lift needed!

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Padma Lakshmi in a bikiniPadma Lakshmi in a bikiniPadma Lakshmi in a bikini

Salma Hayek turned 54 yesterday as well, and she posed in a swimsuit. 50 is the new 40!

3 thoughts on “Padma Lakshmi Turns 50 and Poses in a Purple Bikini!”

  1. nothing in this world is hotter than a fit, mature woman. the young instathots do look good, but they all look the same & are woefully boring


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