A very busty Japanese in a river wearing a red bikini = success.
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A very busty Japanese in a river wearing a red bikini = success.
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I NEED to see this chick wihtout the bikini top… NOW.
Eeweooo.. this chick is fat and ugly..
yeah, this chick is too fat for my taste. Anyone know how to save .swf flash movies so you can play them off ur harddrive later? thanks!
In internet explorer, go to tools, to internet options, to Temporary Files, view files. The biggest files are uploaded videos, flash animations, and Shockwave stuff.
Got her name wrong… Ourei Harada not Oruei.
There are a lot of pics of her in Google Images but they’re all clothed, or at least posed to cover up… http://aov.gijo.org/2007/04/20/ourei-harada-with-you/ has a bunch from a DVD she did.
This chink is hideous! And those big ass tits are gross!