Older Sophie Reade in Playboy Set

Here’s an older set of Sophie Reade for Playboy, before her boob-job. I love me some natural titties but in Sophie’s case I have to say that her implants have actually improved the look of her tits. She had a nice size before, but as you can see, they were a bit saggy and droopy and I’ll take implants over droopy tits as long as its a good doctor doing them.

Playmates archive: Playboy Cyber Club

Sophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in Playboy

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Sophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in PlayboySophie Reade nude in Playboy

13 thoughts on “Older Sophie Reade in Playboy Set”

  1. I vote with Marcus and Jon. I like these soft natural titties way better… and I want them hanging in my face. Like… now.

    I can see liking the look of the fakies better though too…

  2. i agree with the poster, much better now…beautifal girl had the droopiness of someone much older, alas as boobs get bigger naturally they get less firm, i like hers now tho, money well spent, she has a cracking body too

  3. I’m in the Love the Pre-Boob Job Camp. It’s a case-by-case basis sorta thing, and she has one of the better boob jobs out there, but I’d happily throw a fuck in the young lady in this set.

  4. Great now but awesome before! It is natural for big boobs to be a bit saggy. I suppose they would have been a bit too saggy when she is thirty or forty but hell no! She didn’ need that boob job.

  5. Fake boobs have spoiled us to the point where we call a natural set like this “saggy”. For a large breasted woman past her college years, this is what they look like.

  6. They may be “droopy”, but they’ll fall to either side of my face with ease, so much better than hitting two hards sacs of sil.


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