Oh no! Not Again!

Yesss.. I know, just got back from a short hiatus with regular updates and now Im off again for a short while. I was actually planning on bringing my laptop to do some updates but the fucking thing decided to break down on me and I dont think internet cafes is a good idea to update Boobie Blog from.

Either way, this will be my final trip this spring / summer because Ive never spent an entire summer in the city of Toronto for some weird reason and Ive decided to explore it rather than go somewhere else. I will be back on sunday and from then on the summer will be non stop Boobie Blog updates!! Check out these excellent sites until Im back!

Taxi Driver
Girls of Desire
My Big Tits Babes
Busty Posers
Worldsex Blog
Dirty Rotten Whore
Daily POA
2 Damn Hot
Babes Machine
Prime Curves
On 205th

23 thoughts on “Oh no! Not Again!”

  1. ok dude have a great time, look forward to your return on sunday. BTW in case you havent seen the comments, all your links from yesterday still arent working. maybe you got a bug in the site or something.

  2. don’t worry Niklas you have a wonderful time! by the way I didn’t know you had your own boobieblog twitter page lol 🙂

  3. Look at the properties of the thumbnail, copy the address of the pic, paste it in the address bar, remove _small from the end and hey presto, big pic.

  4. I am going away for awhile. Why oh why do I keep coming back to click on the broken links. Faith in link repair is waning till he gets back. HAHA!

  5. 1) right-click a thumbnail
    2) select “View Image”
    3) in the address bar, remove “_small” from the URL and press “Enter”
    4) enjoy.

  6. If you right click on any of the pictures after 5/15, click on “copy shortcut”, paste it in your browser, delete everthing in the URL after img2, then go into Niklas’s img2 directory you’ll see nothing after 5/15. But you’ll see hundreds of photos that should keep you happy for a bit, maybe even until Nicklas is back on line. Looks like a malfunction in the publishing of the site to the net, or else a problem with saving the photo files into the directory. Thank god there’s tons of new tit all over the web. I’d recommend “postyourgirldotcom” as a start….jus’ sayin’….can’t hurt to look at newbienudesdotcom as well…stuff to tide you over until Nick is up and running again.

  7. No, Niklas, I don’t think updating Boobie Blog from an Internet cafe would be such a hot idea. Can you just imagine the horror of people looking over your shoulder at your laptop seeing all those big, beautiful boobies on your screen?

  8. Considering how long you have kept me coming back to this website time and time again, your breaks are well deserved. In fact, I would prefer several short breaks with intermittent updates than a 4 week vacation without any updates at all!! Boobieblog/Niklas rocks the kazbah!! From Down Under!!!

  9. I got one of those screens for my laptop where you can only see the screen from within 20 degrees of center, so that geezers sitting next to me in cafes can’t see what I’m doing. Although I usually upload to my servers then do all my writing in HTML, not visual text editor, so images just look like “src = blahblah.jpg” and they don’t have a clue. it’s tricky, but it works.!!

  10. i know niklas isnt back till sunday but i keep clicking on here just in case hes snuck in an update on us lol. i miss fresh boobies 🙁

  11. Niklas, you could have written posts in advance and them set them to post on all the days you were going to be away. WordPress has an easy to use option for that and your site would not be without fresh content.


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