11 thoughts on “Nude Selfies of LydiaGh0st!”

  1. This one is one of my favourites to follow on Reddit and Twitter right now. Cute face, curvy body, great tits, sweet tush, and she takes a cock well too. Damn, son.

  2. Tattoo “artist:” “So what brings you in today, you somewhat chubby but otherwise good looking girl?”
    Lydiaghost: “I hate myself and want to ruin my body by scribbling on it with meaningless tattoos like it was the cover of my 9th grade math class notebook.
    Tattoo “artist:” “Come on in and have a seat.”

  3. God some people will just always find away to criticise no matter what, even when being presented with one of the finest pair tits they are likely to see

    What a pair of whiny ass bitches

    • ah yes we’ve reach the whining about whining portion of the talk

      her tatts fucking suck & so does everyone who thinks they’re so cool & interesting because you paid someone to draw on your body

  4. Her boobs look very natural when she’s lying down, but that looks like an implant scar around the nipple in pic 2. Hrm…


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