Nude Selfies by Bella Jameel aka ArabTeen!

Bella Jameel is an Egyptian / Canadian girl who likes to show off her big tits on the internet! She also goes under the name ArabTeen because she’s a teen – and Arab. We need more busty Arab girls getting naked I think! Such an untapped source of boobs. Anyway, here are some of her naked selfies.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Bella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel nakedBella Jameel naked

12 thoughts on “Nude Selfies by Bella Jameel aka ArabTeen!”

  1. holly molly…lets hope she follows in the footsteps of Mia Khalifa. Damm she has great titties

  2. Great tits, but I hate when people say something like “Egyptian Canadian”

    Really? How the fuck does that work? If you’re born in Canada, live in Canada, and plan on spending the rest of your life here…then you’re a fucking Canadian. Period.

    Choose a side of the highway.

    You never picked any cotton I never owned any slaves. Get over it.

    • Do you know she was born in Canada?

      We have lots of immigrants coming here, once they are citizens they are Canadians, but if they were born in Egypt, that could make them Egyptian Canadian, IMO.

      • True, she could be born anywhere. The point is not about race. The point is about identity and loyalty. Unlike fuck face mikeroyne who has no loyalty I love this country. I’m second generation. I don’t call myself ___ Canadian. I’m Canadian. I figure once you move to a country, accept all of it’s culture, identity, rules, language, and live on it’s generous resources, you should call yourself by a single identity.

        • haha listen to this jingo asshole. “durrr you have no loyalty” that my dear conservative shitstain is a two way street. you right wingers are sub human, fear aggressive animals.
          you theocratic fascists can take the third world red states & secede. go be trumpanistan with your white christian sharia law

          • Again, cool comment bro. Tell it again.

            I’m not white. Christian or a Trump fan, and I live in Canada you fucking hermaphrodite.

            Do the world a favour. Eat a bullet. One less socialist to parasite off the system.

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