18 thoughts on “Nude Aria Giovanni in Santa Cruz”

  1. Should’nt she be covered in tatoo’s and be shaved to look like a 12 year old to be sexy? Oh wait, this IS what real sexy looks like. Ahhhhh, the good ole’ days before the hipsters and morons took over….

  2. @ Jorge

    Don’t forget that she needs to be taking a dick a both ends too …

    Aria is one of the few models out there that somehow maintains her dignity while posing naked in a porn shoot.

  3. Aria Giovanni: Well, I don’t do hardcore. I draw the line. I think just someone that is down to earth and personable and classy and respectable.

    Ok.. I understand. Here youre fisting yourself, and here youre masturbating in public.. and here are a couple of lesbian scenes. Ok, sure. Youre SO CLASSY Aria.. so classy.

    COME OOOOOOON. Whats with all this white knighting!? Are you fucking kidding me!?
    Jorge you like hairy pussy.. great.. WHO CARES! Jos *sigh* youre a fucking joke!

  4. Aria has been around a long time. A special mix of eyes, mouth, boobs, body…… Goddess. I,d love to go a round with her, dont think I’d last long, but I’m sure I could suffer the humiliation.

  5. Aria is sent on earth with a special mission of ‘uniting the men’ of whole world. She gives every man something which is beyond a mere hole to empty their loads. If observed carefully, she first enter in heart n’ brain. The heart gets lightened, brain stops all processes expect praising her beauty, mummmwaah comes out from mouth just like a reaction. After this the penis comes to play the remaining role.

  6. She was an extremely beautiful woman. She just…disappointed slightly. Too many arty and amateur photoshoots that didn’t show her at her best. And the majority of her videos, especially the strip ones set to music, were poor.


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