Nikki Sims Went Tanning

Nikki Sims did some nude tanning and brought a camera with her to share the experience! Very cool pictures and she would make for a really hot Smurf. I know she irritates some of you with her nipple covering but let’s all get over it. She is naked. That you can’t see 100% of her nipple and that she doesn’t spread her legs wide open doesn’t change that.

Picture from: Nikki Sims

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6 thoughts on “Nikki Sims Went Tanning”

  1. I can’t believe this broad still getting by wit all that cock-teasing?! Let them tidddys enjoy freedom!!! SHIT!!!

  2. I’m tired of seeing everyone bitch about not seeing her tits…..wanna see her tits, look up her appearance on Jerry Springer.

  3. is there a HD vid of her on the Jerry Springer show?
    Nikki is probably self-conscious about her wonky tits lol

  4. Well, at least her boobs look pretty nice in the last 3 pics. I dunno why she always has to give us the finger though. 😛

  5. Kolith – thanks for those links – I’ve been a fan of hers for years, but never saw that purple mesh set!

    As for never fully showing her tits (aside from the Jerry Springer vid and those rare released images from a few years back), I don’t mind too much – it’s just her thing, something that makes her stand out a bit. I dig it. But hopefully if she ever decides to “retire”, she gives us all a good look, uncovered, for a few sets 🙂


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