I don’t find her in the least bit attractive or talented….mostly annoying and worthless and probably a horrible person…Anyone who would dress up like she does and put themselves together like she does is to needy for me…trying to hard….back in the 90’s we called them “posers”….but that’s pretty much everyone now…
Yo, dis bitch should do Porn. Period
I’d eat her ass for a week
How much you want these jewels to be edible….ðŸ¤â€Ã°Å¸ËœÅ“😘ðŸ˜ÂðŸ˜Â
Seems like she terribly wants to be naked or show off the goods she might as well at this point.
If she does get naked, make sure its just pics and not a video, because I don’t want to listen to her talk, especially how shite her music is!
That’s awesome, and the Chun-Li cover was pretty good too. I love this lady and can’t wait to hear the full album.
indeed. she is most definitely built for pleasure & i agree, she needs a mute button
I don’t find her in the least bit attractive or talented….mostly annoying and worthless and probably a horrible person…Anyone who would dress up like she does and put themselves together like she does is to needy for me…trying to hard….back in the 90’s we called them “posers”….but that’s pretty much everyone now…