Nicki Minaj Dressed as a Dominatrix for a Basketball Game!

Candids of Nicki Minaj wearing a latex dominatrix outfit while going to a Lakers game! That cleavage must’ve been such a distraction for the tall men trying to throw a ball into the basket!! I’d throw my face into her titties if I were them!!

Gotta wonder what that old lady sitting next to her was thinking when Nicki came and sat down..

Famous boobs at: Mr. Skin

Nicki Minaj dominatrixNicki Minaj dominatrixNicki Minaj dominatrixNicki Minaj dominatrixNicki Minaj dominatrixNicki Minaj dominatrix

She’s wearing the same outfit for her new Chun Li music video as well:

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4 thoughts on “Nicki Minaj Dressed as a Dominatrix for a Basketball Game!”

  1. LOL- wow I guess she has to attention whore it up some how, I have always said she was this generations Little Kim, a ghetto acting chick with little talent but just flaunted her tits and ass constantly and went around being the R & B music genres go to hoe, you know when Amber Rose wasn’t laughably whoring herself out to various rap artists.

  2. Personally I’d pump her stoopid.
    I think she should come watch Dundee FC with me.
    I’d even get her a pie and bovril.
    Cos im that type of guy

  3. She’s one of my favorite people in the music business. Super talented and very hot. She kicks so much ass.


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