New Zealand’s new trend, students turning into escorts

With a sharp upscale in standard of living due to economic meltdown as evident in the hike of the prices of goods and services, many nations have witnessed a corresponding surge in the number of students who decide to become sex workers.

These students are involved in several sex services from webcam modeling (Male and female Cam models) to escort services (Call girls and boys). The sex industry is a legal business in New Zealand, the booming success recorded in this industry over the years has drawn some students to become sex workers.

Some of them joined the sex business so they could meet their daily needs, many others decided to take up the profession so they could get luxurious and costly material things to soothe their cravings for expensive lifestyles.

These sex workers make use of different means to get clients, some visit brothels, some make use of Pimps, others get hooked up on the street, site is also a great means to get escorts hooked up to clients.

In Wellington in particular, Wellington Escorts have been discovered to have a lot of advantages in using escorts directories to procure clients.

Importance of using escorts directories as a means of getting clients.

1. Flexible Timing – When ads are placed on website such as Wellington Escorts, it affords the students-turned-escorts adequate flexibility in their schedule. This method is quite easy since less busy time can be used to work while the students also have time to study so as to excel. This way no harm is done to the students’ educational pursuits.
2. Larger Target Audience – Wellington Escorts can also help these students to reach more clients. The world is now a global village. ‘Statista’ reported that around 82 percent of New Zealand population are active social media users, with the world’s global internet usage rate standing at 51.4%. Wellington Escorts, as an online platform have the ability to help sex workers to advertise their services to a broader population, thereby increasing their number of clients.
3. Safety – The use of Wellington Escorts site is safer than other platforms in relation to clients’ security and protection. Cases of harassment, molestation or cruelty are minimal since erring clients can be held accountable for their actions unlike when sex workers are picked up by the road side. Wellington Escorts provides adequate security and protection.
4. Covertness – Wellington Escorts protects the identity of the sex workers. That way students who seek to Venture into sex work can do so without the fear of stigmatization.
5. Efficiency – The overall effectiveness of Wellington Escorts cannot be overemphasized, large number of clients are informed about the sex workers services as a result of the advertisement placed on the website. Likewise, the speed of the internet is a strong factor to be considered, a large chunk of information gets on the internet at incredible speeds.

Ethics of good and safe practices must be adhered to, such as making sure that the students who engage in sexual acts are above the legal age of consent. This is the age at which a person is able to consent to or participate in sexual activities. Many countries have different age of consent. This age could be 12,13,14,15,16,17 or even 18. The lowest age of consent is seen in The Philippines and Angola with the age of consent being 12. Countries like Japan, Niger, Comoros and Burkina Faso also have a consent age of 13. Countries with the highest age of consent in the world is Bahrain, with the legal age of consent pegged at 21years according to ‘’.

However, some countries do not have a legal age of consent but merely ban sexual activities outside of marriage. This has raised eyebrows and concerns in many international organizations over the years.

The age of consent in New Zealand is 16years. It is important to state that ‘legal age of consent’ is not a stratagem to keep young people away from sexual acts as a punishment but as a way of protecting them from much older adults who might want to take advantage of their credulity and vulnerability at that young age.

Sex work is hard and strenuous giving the physical, emotional and mental toll it takes on sex workers. Caution must be taken by students who try to combine academic and sex work. Proper orientation should be given to intending sex workers on the risk involved with the job. More Mental rehabilitation centers should be set up to cater for the mental health of depressed sex workers.

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