Annabelle Amour and her busty friends is becoming a regular occurrence on Boobie Blog, but how could I resist when she presents naturally busty babes like Sammy!? Not the prettiest girl in the world but her tits look awesome when she is on her back and I’d love to have her in my list of girls (which is far too short, heh) to call on a Friday night when you want your wang cleaned.
Picture from: Annabelle Amour
thats a nice rack
she ‘s perdy.
Nice tits
kind of a big breasted fitter megan fox 🙂
damn Nik… kinda harsh 😛 She’s not bad looking at all!! Eyebrows are kind of weird looking but she’s got great lips. Give her to the digital dreamgirls crew and I’m sure she’d look as hot as everyone else they do.
Oh… and ya, great fucking tits… maybe not real but well done if they are fakies…
i think she is beautiful
Time for her to get bottomless as well. Great tits. Hot woman.
Very nice tits and face as well, hopefully She’ll give us full frontal nudity soon!
Ive been a boobieblog daily visitor for about 3 years, and i think this is the hottest babe that has ever been posted.
I can’t explain why, i just fucking love her.
I’m totally the opposite to pretty much everyone above, I can’t see any reasons to like this doris.
She’s sexy ‘cos she looks dirty. Like Nik says, not girlfriend material, but an awesome place to spend a Friday night.
Yeah, I don’t see anything amazing. I think she’s got a great rack (that for some reason don’t quite look natural…but that may just be photography magic), but her face, while far from ugly, isn’t exactly Lucy Pinder caliber either.
I nail her in a hot second…just nothing to ga-ga over IMO.
More please.
Pretty hot. that scar between her breasts is odd though.. see the second to last pic..
Yeah, never seen an implant scar there before…don’t think it’s from implants. A lift maybe?
She is hot all around. No need for haters on this post.
She’s all natural! That’s not a scar… I’d fuck her everyday for a year.
Yeah, Love the big naturals on sammy! MMMhMMMM