17 comments on “Naked Yoga with Vassanta!”

  1. Pefr says:

    Crappy droopy tits

  2. Shmoo_usn says:

    ^^^^^ Beats the hell out of nasty implants ANY day…..

  3. Sol says:

    ^^^ I don’t know man, something about big goofy implants like Rikki Sixx’s

  4. Flounder says:

    Gotta be post kid…the earlier set are full and ready to shoot, so to speak (also explains the face on the earlier set)

  5. Soxfan14 says:

    I’m with Shmoo ^^^.

  6. Theoderich says:

    Yes, Shmoo is very right!

  7. humanoid says:

    I’d still hit that!

  8. Lance Burton says:

    Look at that wool!!! There is enough there to knit a sweater.

  9. dood says:

    That is what large real breasts look like, and they are fantastic.

  10. Drake says:

    To be honest, there are definitely more flattering pics of Vassanta out there.

  11. Now that’s how you get people interested in yoga.

  12. answerman says:

    Fat ass. Floppy sock-like tits. Repulsive bush. I cant believe this train wreck has merited all these comments. What has the internet come too?

  13. Hightower says:

    Lance B., don’t forget the potential matching scarf that could be woven out of that pit hair in #2.

  14. Joe says:

    I agree with Peft and andserman. She’s awful and her tits are horrible.

  15. GEORGIA97 says:

    That is where boners go to die.

  16. blargh says:

    Ahhhhh HELL NO

  17. Randy says:

    What a shame. All these guys that would rather have a chick with fake tits. This is what a real natural woman looks like. Beautiful tits and an awesome round ass. Not a big fan of the giant bush but no a deal breaker.

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