Shit, she’s orders of magnitude better than 95% of the models out there….”deflated” or not. I’d take her and her naturals to all the fatties and implant queens out there ANY day.
Reminds me of the ladies a few years ago in So Cali, robbing banks topless. When asked to give a description of the robbers, all they ever could come up with was “I’m thinking about 40DD”. Now THAT is some funny shit. I don’t care who ya are. ROFL.
what a glorious pair of animé tits !
Epic pair when she started and then unneeded weight loss shrunk her assets.
“Shrunk”? When, as nothing I’ve seen (to include her unmasked photos) seem to convey that wonderful rack being smaller….. *shrugs*
They got smaller during the pandemic and now she’s slighty gaining some weight back.
Impressive when masked at her beginning but a bit deflated now.
Shit, she’s orders of magnitude better than 95% of the models out there….”deflated” or not. I’d take her and her naturals to all the fatties and implant queens out there ANY day.
please rob me and rape me
I love how the dumb fuck who edited these only took off the scar from her belly button ring on a few pics and left it in a few pics. 😂
Reminds me of the ladies a few years ago in So Cali, robbing banks topless. When asked to give a description of the robbers, all they ever could come up with was “I’m thinking about 40DD”. Now THAT is some funny shit. I don’t care who ya are. ROFL.