8 thoughts on “Mysti C the busty Robber!”

    • “Shrunk”? When, as nothing I’ve seen (to include her unmasked photos) seem to convey that wonderful rack being smaller….. *shrugs*

      • They got smaller during the pandemic and now she’s slighty gaining some weight back.
        Impressive when masked at her beginning but a bit deflated now.

        • Shit, she’s orders of magnitude better than 95% of the models out there….”deflated” or not. I’d take her and her naturals to all the fatties and implant queens out there ANY day.

  1. I love how the dumb fuck who edited these only took off the scar from her belly button ring on a few pics and left it in a few pics. 😂

  2. Reminds me of the ladies a few years ago in So Cali, robbing banks topless. When asked to give a description of the robbers, all they ever could come up with was “I’m thinking about 40DD”. Now THAT is some funny shit. I don’t care who ya are. ROFL.


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