More of Kaho Shibuya Holding Things with Her Boobs!

Here’s another round of busty Japanese porn star Kaho Shibuya showing off her special talent of holding things with her boobs! We got a wide variety of things including a FULL water bottle, a ukulele and a tray from a restaurant! I got a few things I’d her to hold next.. mah cock and mah balls!

See the first round here.

Watch Kaho Shibuya porn movies at: R18

Kaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobs

Full length Kaho Shibuya movies and many others at R18! – The #1 place for Japanese porn!

Kaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobsKaho Shibuya holding things with boobs

3 thoughts on “More of Kaho Shibuya Holding Things with Her Boobs!”

  1. There’s a girl pretty similar to her where I work. Never knew I could get the hots so bad for an asian, and it’s pretty hard to work when she goes by my desk to ask for stuff


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