If you are surfing Boobie Blog from your mobile phone or iPod you are probably noticing that the site looks a bit different! It’s more streamlined, loads faster and easier to navigate so it should provide a better experience when you’re on the go.
If you prefer to surf the regular version of Boobie Blog you still can by scrolling to the bottom and select “off” where it says mobile theme. You can turn the mobile theme on at any time as well.
Feedback is great as always so please leave a comment if you hate it or love it! If you are surfing from a computer you won’t notice a difference so carry on!
I don’t see any “off” setting when I scroll to the bottom.
Me either
How about some html 5 video love for us iOS users. The mobile setup is nice but would love to have the videos work.
You don’t see a line under “load more entries..” that says “mobile theme ON”. Its not at the very bottom but basically under the entries. If you can’t see it, may I ask what phone you are using?
I don’t host the videos myself to minimize the bandwith bill so I can’t do much about that at the moment.
Liking it. Works really well on Android.
Yeah, I forgot that you link to other sites. Some guy just hacked flash 10.1 on the iPad and is working on it for iPhone so should be good to go once that is done.
FYI, I can see the mobile theme switch.
I agree, its great with android! Loads quickly too
Under the entries, all I see is “Older Entries.” No mobile theme link. This is on an iPad, which should be identified as mobile Safari.
La versión móvil está buenisima, lo malo es que no se pueden ver los videos, los felicito!! Esta pagina es de las mejores, los visito desde hace como 3 años y me parece que van mejorando.
Saludos desde stamford ct.
I like it! Works great on my iPhone, except we can’t see the videos but that isn’t your fault.